Records & Forms




The creation, passage, and adding of official acts to the city codes is a complicated and often extended process. This site makes every attempt to keep current with the actions of the City Council in this area.

The City Council cannot immediately add Resolutions or Ordinances passed into the City Code Book chapters shown above, since it requires a process called codification, which is only done every few years. (Click here to view the City Code Book.)

Shown below are Resolutions which have been passed by the City Council, but which may not have been codified (placed and numbered) within the City Code Book. Some numbers may be absent, since some created Resolutions may not be passed by the Nyssa City Council. 

Resolutions 2022

Resolution 1418-22

Resolution 1419-22

Resolution 1420-22

Resolution 1421-22

Resolution 1422-22

Resolution 1423-22

Resolution 1424-22

Resolution 1425-22

Resolution 1426-22

Resolution 1427-22

Resolution 1428-22

Resolution 1429-22

Resolution 1430-22

Resolution 1431-22

Resolution 1432-22

Resolution 1433-22

Resolution 1434-22

Resolution 1435-22

Resolution 1436-22

Resolution 1437-22


Resolution 1445-22


Resolution 1451-22

Resolution 1452-22

Resolution 1453-22

Resolution 1454-22